Analyzing Features


In [1]:
import impact as impt
# import cobra
# import cobra.test
# import
import numpy as np

# import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
% matplotlib inline

from plotly.offline import download_plotlyjs, init_notebook_mode, plot, iplot
from plotly.graph_objs import Bar, Layout, Figure, Scatter

# We include this to ensure the js is loaded when viewed online
from IPython.display import HTML
HTML('<script src=""></script>')
C:\Users\Naveen\Anaconda3\lib\site-packages\IPython\ ShimWarning: The `IPython.html` package has been deprecated. You should import from `notebook` instead. `IPython.html.widgets` has moved to `ipywidgets`.
  "`IPython.html.widgets` has moved to `ipywidgets`.", ShimWarning)
C:\Users\Naveen\Anaconda3\lib\site-packages\sqlalchemy\orm\ SAWarning: Implicitly combining column with column under attribute 'id'.  Please configure one or more attributes for these same-named columns explicitly.
In [2]:
# Let's grab the iJO1366 E. coli model, cobra's test module has a copy
model = cobra.test.create_test_model("ecoli")

# Simulate anaerobic conditions by prevent oxygen uptake

# Optimize the model

# Let's consider one substrate and five products
biomass_keys = ['Ec_biomass_iJO1366_core_53p95M']
substrate_keys = ['EX_glc_e']
product_keys = ['EX_for_e','EX_ac_e','EX_etoh_e','EX_succ_e']
analyte_keys = biomass_keys+substrate_keys+product_keys
# We'll use numpy to generate an arbitrary time vector

# The initial conditions (mM) [biomass, substrate,
#                              product1, product2, ..., product_n]
y0 = [0.05, 100, 0, 0, 0, 0]
t = np.linspace(0,16,8)

# Returns a dictionary of the profiles
from impact.helpers.synthetic_data import generate_data
dFBA_profiles = generate_data(y0, t, model,
                                      biomass_keys, substrate_keys,
                                      product_keys, plot = True)
IN FLUXES                     OUT FLUXES                    OBJECTIVES
glc__D_e    -10.00            h_e         27.87             Ec_biomass_iJO1366_core_53p95M    0.242
nh4_e        -2.61            for_e       17.28
h2o_e        -1.71            ac_e         8.21
pi_e         -0.23            etoh_e       8.08
co2_e        -0.09            succ_e       0.08
so4_e        -0.06            5drib_c      0.00
k_e          -0.05            glyclt_e     0.00
mg2_e        -0.00            mththf_c     0.00
fe2_e        -0.00            4crsol_c     0.00
fe3_e        -0.00            meoh_e       0.00
ca2_e        -0.00            amob_c       0.00
cl_e         -0.00
cu2_e        -0.00
mn2_e        -0.00
zn2_e        -0.00
ni2_e        -0.00
mobd_e       -0.00
cobalt2_e    -0.00

Now that we have a simulated ‘two-stage’ fermentation data, let’s try to analyze it. First let’s try to curve fit and pull parameters from the overall data

In [3]:
# These time courses together form a single trial
single_trial = impact.SingleTrial()
for analyte in analyte_keys:
    # Instantiate the timecourse
    timecourse = impact.TimeCourse()

    # Define the trial identifier for the experiment
#     timecourse.trial_identifier.analyte_name = analyte
    timecourse.trial_identifier = impt.TrialIdentifier(strain=impt.Strain(nickname='teststrain'), analyte_name = analyte)

    if analyte in biomass_keys:
        timecourse.trial_identifier.analyte_type = 'biomass'
    elif analyte in substrate_keys:
        timecourse.trial_identifier.analyte_type = 'substrate'
    elif analyte in product_keys:
        timecourse.trial_identifier.analyte_type = 'product'
        raise Exception('unid analyte')

    timecourse.time_vector = t
    timecourse.data_vector = dFBA_profiles[analyte]
# # Add this to a replicate trial (even though there's one replicate)
# replicate_trial = impact.ReplicateTrial()
# replicate_trial.add_replicate(single_trial)

# # Add this to the experiment
# experiment = impact.Experiment(info = {'experiment_title' : 'test experiment'})
# experiment.add_replicate_trial(replicate_trial)

# import plotly.offline
# plotly.offline.init_notebook_mode()
# fileName = impact.printGenericTimeCourse_plotly(replicateTrialList=[replicate_trial],
#                                                 titersToPlot=biomass_keys, output_type='image',)

# from IPython.display import Image
# Image(fileName)
In [4]:
# We can query the rates instead.
for keys in [biomass_keys,substrate_keys,product_keys]:
#     plt.figure()
    data = []
    for analyte in keys:
        trace = Scatter(x=t,
            name = analyte)
    fig = Figure(data=data,
                 layout=Layout(title="Calculated rates",
                               yaxis = {'title':'Production rate [mmol /  h]'})
#         plt.plot(t,single_trial.analyte_dict[analyte].gradient)
#     plt.legend(keys)

Specific Productivity

The specific productivity is the rate, normalized to biomass concentration. This is the value used by dFBA to calculate the initial growth curves.

\[\frac{dX}{dt} = \mu X\]
\[\frac{dP}{dt} = \dot{P} X\]

Here we find the median specific productivity and compare it to the FBA solutions

In [5]:
exchange_keys = biomass_keys + substrate_keys + product_keys

median_specific_productivity = {}
model_specific_productivity = {}
for analyte in exchange_keys:
    model_specific_productivity[analyte] = model.solution.x_dict[analyte]
    median_specific_productivity[analyte] = np.median(single_trial.analyte_dict[analyte]

trace = Bar(x=[analyte for analyte in median_specific_productivity],
            y=[median_specific_productivity[analyte] for analyte in median_specific_productivity],
           name = 'Calculated')
trace2 = Bar(x=[analyte for analyte in model_specific_productivity],
            y=[model_specific_productivity[analyte] for analyte in model_specific_productivity],
            name = 'Model')
data = [trace, trace2]
fig = Figure(data=data,
             layout=Layout(title="Calculated vs Model Specific Productivity",
                           yaxis = {'title':'Specific Productivity [mmol / (gdw h)]'})

Here we can see that the specific productivities match those calculated in the COBRA model (which is expected since that’s where the generated data came from). For cells in steady-state, this should be a constant.

Metabolic Model Integration

With specific productivities, metabolic model integration becomes straightforward. We can constrain the export fluxes based on the data, and solve the missing fluxes. Since this is model-generated data, this will close the mass balance entirely.

For experimental data, this offers a prediction to help close the balance.

In [6]:
# Let's take the model and add bounds for the known reactions
for analyte in analyte_keys:
    with_noise = np.median(single_trial.analyte_dict[analyte]
    print(analyte,' ',with_noise)
    model.reactions.get_by_id(analyte).lower_bound = with_noise
    model.reactions.get_by_id(analyte).upper_bound = with_noise
solution = model.optimize()
Ec_biomass_iJO1366_core_53p95M   0.253954350914
EX_glc_e   -10.5156403117
EX_for_e   18.1745176554
EX_ac_e   8.63085041752
EX_etoh_e   8.49418640731
EX_succ_e   0.0841767249714

IN FLUXES                     OUT FLUXES                    OBJECTIVES
glc__D_e    -10.52            h_e         29.31             Ec_biomass_iJO1366_core_53p95M    0.254
nh4_e        -2.74            for_e       18.17
h2o_e        -1.80            ac_e         8.63
pi_e         -0.24            etoh_e       8.49
co2_e        -0.09            succ_e       0.08
so4_e        -0.06            5drib_c      0.00
k_e          -0.05            glyclt_e     0.00
mg2_e        -0.00            mththf_c     0.00
fe2_e        -0.00            4crsol_c     0.00
fe3_e        -0.00            meoh_e       0.00
ca2_e        -0.00            amob_c       0.00
cl_e         -0.00
cu2_e        -0.00
mn2_e        -0.00
zn2_e        -0.00
ni2_e        -0.00
mobd_e       -0.00
cobalt2_e    -0.00

dFBA Batch Integration

We can integrate the experimental data across the course of the batch, and solve an FBA for each point to account for any misisng metabolites and get a dynamic flux map for the batch.

In [7]:
# dFBA based batch simulation
# import copy
# model2 = copy.deepcopy(model)
# impact.helpers.synthetic_data.dynamic_model_integration(t, y0, model2, single_trial, biomass_keys, substrate_keys, product_keys, extra_points_multiplier = 5)

Carbon Balance

From here, the carbon balance is straight forward. The export fluxes match experimental data, the remaining fluxes are estimated, and we can complete the carbon balance. Units are import here, and should all be converted a standard mass unit (g/L) to complete the balance.

In [8]:
# Convert mmol/gdw - hr to g / gdw - hr

# Create a dictionary for the mapping of flux reactions to metabolite names to get the molar mass
metabolite_export_reaction_dict = {

mass_flux = {}
for analyte in product_keys+substrate_keys:
    mass_flux[analyte] = model.solution.x_dict[analyte] \
    * model.metabolites.get_by_id(metabolite_export_reaction_dict[analyte]).formula_weight
mass_flux[biomass_keys[0]] = model.solution.x_dict[biomass_keys[0]]*1000

# The balance is the sum of all metabolites, the uptake is already negative.
balance = sum(mass_flux[metabolite] for metabolite in mass_flux)
# The closure is the total substrate accounted for
percent_closure = balance/mass_flux['EX_glc_e']

print('\nThe mass balance is %f%% closed' % ((1-percent_closure)*100))

# Two situations
# 1: balance is > 100% (must be some unaccounted substrate)
labels = [analyte.split('_')[1] for analyte in mass_flux]
if percent_closure < 0:
    fig = {
    'data': [{'labels': labels + ['Unaccounted substrate'],
              'values': [mass_flux[metabolite] for metabolite in mass_flux]+[balance],
              'type': 'pie'}],
    'layout': {'title': 'Mass balance'}
# 2: balance is < 100% (must be some unaccounted product)
    fig = {
    'data': [{'labels': labels + ['Missing product'],
              'values': [mass_flux[metabolite] for metabolite in mass_flux]+[abs(balance)],
              'type': 'pie'}],
    'layout': {'title': 'Mass balance'}

analyte_keys = substrate_keys + biomass_keys + product_keys

# Calculate the waterfall for the products and biomass
substrate_consuming_keys = biomass_keys+product_keys
running_total = balance
base = []
for i, key in enumerate(analyte_keys):
    if i == 0:
        running_total += -mass_flux[key]
        running_total += -mass_flux[key]

base_trace = Bar(x=analyte_keys,
                 marker=dict(color='rgba(1,1,1, 0.0)',))

substrate_trace = Bar(x=[substrate_keys[0]],
                        marker=dict(color='rgba(55, 128, 191, 0.7)',
                                    line=dict(color='rgba(55, 128, 191, 1.0)',

biomass_trace = Bar(x=[biomass_keys[0]],
                       marker=dict(color='rgba(50, 171, 96, 0.7)',
                                   line=dict(color='rgba(50, 171, 96, 1.0)',

products_trace = Bar(x=product_keys,
                     y=[-mass_flux[metabolite] for metabolite in product_keys],
                      marker=dict(color='rgba(219, 64, 82, 0.7)',
                                  line=dict(color='rgba(219, 64, 82, 1.0)',

balance_base_trace = Bar(x=['Balance'],
                 marker=dict(color='rgba(1,1,1, 0.0)',))

balance_trace = Bar(x=['Balance'],
                      marker=dict(color='rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.7)',
                                  line=dict(color='rgba(0, 0, 0, 1.0)',

data = [substrate_trace, balance_base_trace, base_trace, balance_trace, biomass_trace,products_trace]
layout = Layout(barmode='stack',
#                 paper_bgcolor='rgba(245, 246, 249, 1)',
#                 plot_bgcolor='rgba(245, 246, 249, 1)',
                yaxis={'title': 'Exchange rate (mmol/(gdw h))'},
fig = Figure(data=data,layout=layout)
{'EX_ac_e': 509.60010466932226, 'EX_for_e': 818.1702580800724, 'EX_etoh_e': 391.31391685379504, 'Ec_biomass_iJO1366_core_53p95M': 253.95435091418017, 'EX_glc_e': -1894.4544341121223, 'EX_succ_e': 9.770574289158397}

The mass balance is 104.663864% closed
{'EX_ac_e': 509.60010466932226, 'EX_for_e': 818.1702580800724, 'EX_etoh_e': 391.31391685379504, 'Ec_biomass_iJO1366_core_53p95M': 253.95435091418017, 'EX_glc_e': -1894.4544341121223, 'EX_succ_e': 9.770574289158397}

Flux mapping with escher

More detail is provided in the escher documentation:

In [9]:
import escher
import json
from IPython.display import HTML
In [10]:
b = escher.Builder(map_name='iJO1366.Central metabolism',
                   # color and size according to the absolute value
                   reaction_styles=['color', 'size', 'abs', 'text'],
                   # change the default colors
                   reaction_scale=[{'type': 'min', 'color': '#cccccc', 'size': 4},
                                   {'type': 'mean', 'color': '#0000dd', 'size': 20},
                                   {'type': 'max', 'color': '#ff0000', 'size': 40}],
                   # only show the primary metabolites