Impact assists scientists and engineers to interpret data describing microbial physiology. Impact parses raw data from common equipment such as chromatography (HPLC), and plate readers. Data is automatically interpreted and built into hierarchical objects which describe the experiments and extract features.
Download a Python 3 installation for your platform, or you can use Anaconda. If you are on windows, you will need a way to install numpy, scipy, matplotlib - packaged with Anaconda.
First, clone the repository. You will need your github username and password but if you are here presumably you are logged in.
git clone
cd impact
Install the dependencies for the project using requirements.txt:
pip install -r requirements.txt
You may also want to install the additional packages as needed, especially the plotting requirements
pip install -r requirements_plotting.txt
pip install -r requirements_modeling.txt
pip install -r requirements_docs.txt
Install the package, use develop mode to ensure all the relative paths remain correct.
python develop