impact.helpers.synthetic_data module

impact.helpers.synthetic_data.dynamic_model_integration(t, y0, model, single_trial, biomass_keys, substrate_keys, product_keys, extra_points_multiplier=1)
impact.helpers.synthetic_data.generate_data(y0, t, model, biomass_keys, substrate_keys, product_keys, noise=0, plot=True)

Generates synthetic data


y0 : list

Starting values

t : array

Time vector

model: cobraPy model

Optimized cobraPy model

biomass_keys: list

A list with the a string of the biomass name

substrate_keys: list

A list with the a string of the susbstrate name

product_keys: list

A list of strings of product names

noise: float, optional

If you’d like to add some noise to parameters

plot : bool, optional

Flag for plotting data


dFBA_profile: dict

Returns a dict with time profiles for each product, substrate and biomass
